International Week of the Body

Ode to the Body: 8-14 februari every year

Marlies Meenks schilderij klaproos


The International Week of the Body Foundation starts from the  Netherlands 

with the aim of reaching many people internationally to take more care of their own body and that of others. More consciousness and connection with your Body. With positive effect on a social level and for a better global climate. Your Body needs you. Get to know your manual. It starts with you :)

You make the difference! 

So sign up for the online weekly program.

Marlies Meenks schilderij klaproos

International Week of the Body Foundation

health, balance, connection,  relaxation, care, movement, breathing, and more ...

The International Week of the Body Foundation was established in early December 2021. With the aim of bringing an ode 

to the Body every day.  All donations and gifts benefit projects that promote awareness and love for the Body.  

The first edition of International Week of the Body will take place February 8-14, 2024.   The initiative was taken by 

Marlies Meenks. She will perform various tasks for the Foundation. Welcome to join and start activities yourself in this 

special Week. Feel welcome in your Body.

Marlies Meenks

Your Body: an unique intelligent instrument you can borrow 

a lifetime long.

Marlies Meenks, BodyWhisperer 

Vorden, The Netherlands

Week van het Lichaam 2022

Ideas and comments

Do you have ideas, comments or questions for the foundation? 

Send us an email:  management@InternationalWeekoftheBody.Foundation 

We do our best to answer your mail as soon as possible.

Join with your activity!

  • positive boost for your Body
  • connection with your Body
  • inner journey

A week with different theme-days per year.

Week van het Lichaam 2022


Week of the Body Foundation

Ruurloseweg 123

7251 LD Vorden 

The Netherlands

mobilephone +31-621607227

The Foundation is registered per 2021/12/07 in the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 84704373


Social media

facebook: WeekoftheBody

facebook: WeekvanhetLichaam